Infinite Campus Login Portals

Directions for Student Registration in IC

1.       Go to Parent portal app on device or online at

2.       Click/Tap the 3 lines in the upper left corner

3.       Click/Tap on More at the bottom of the list

4.       Click/Tap on Online Registration

5.       Click/Tap on the Start button that matches your student – New or Existing

6.       Your student’s name will appear in a table click/tap the blue Begin Registration button

7.       In the box Type your legal first and last name to attest you are the authorized person to complete the registration process. Then click/tap the Blue Submit button

8.       You will see a page asking for Household, parent, student and emergency information. When you are ready click/tap the begin button at the bottom of your screen.

9.       Now you will enter your primary phone number or confirm it if it shows up. Then click/tap Next.

10.   Now enter or confirm your home address and click/tap Next. If you need to return to phone number click/tap previous and go back to step 9.

11.   If you have a separate mailing address you need to uncheck the box that says “The household has no separate Mailing Address” and complete the boxes. If you use the Home address as your mailing address leave the box checked and click/tap the blue Save/Continue button.

12.   Next the Parent/Guardian page will load. A list of names will appear. If they are highlighted in Yellow you need to click/tap the blue Edit/Review button. The next page will tell you what data is missing. Complete all of the boxes especially ones with a red asterisk and click/tap Next.

13.   Next enter any phone numbers needed. At least 1 number needs entered. Then enter the email address for this contact or check the box for Has no Email. Check the boxes to the right of the email as to what emails you want to receive. See the descriptions below on the screen for details. When done click/tap the Next button.

14.   Click/tap yes or no if this parent is a migrant worker. Click/tap Next and answer whether this individual is in the military. Now click/tap the blue button Save/Continue.

15.   Now you will be sent back to the parent list. Edit/review the next parent/guardian if there are more, otherwise click/tap the blue button Save/Continue.

16.   Once all Parent/Guardians are entered/updated click/tap the Blue button Save/Continue.

17.   The Emergency Contact is next. If you already have an emergency contact enter it will show a list of names. If they appear Yellow you will need to update the record. If you need to add emergency contacts click/tap the blue button Add Emergency Contacts. Fill out the boxes with red asterisks and click/tap Next. Continue to the next screen to add phone numbers and email and click/tap Next. Enter addresses if you want them, they are not required. Then click/tap the blue button Save/Continue. Repeat this process for any additional Emergency Contacts. Once all emergency contacts have been entered click/tap the blue button Save/Continue.

18.   The next section is Other Household Members. This includes children not in school yet, grandparents, aunts, uncles or others living in the house. If you have household members already registered they will show up in the list. If they need additional information the names will be highlighted in yellow. To add each one click/tap the blue button Add New Household Member (not currently enrolled).

19.   Fill out the Demographics boxes with the red asterisk. When done click/tap the Blue button Save/Continue. Repeat this process for each person needing added.

20.   Once all Household members are entered click/tap the blue button Save/Continue

21.   Next the student(s) list will show up. If they need additional information it will show up with yellow highlight. Click/tap the blue button Edit/Review. All boxes with a red asterisk needs updated. This includes whether the student is a foreign exchange student and if they have been retained and what grade they are enrolled in. When done click/tap Next.

22.   The Race Ethnicity information is next. You can enter this or review it. Click/tap Next when done.

23.   Then click/tap whether the student is considered homeless or not. You can contact our Central Office at 740-962-2782 for clarification on this status.

24.   Continue working through the list of information, click/tap Next when you are done to move on.

25.   Enter the student and parent language preferences.

26.   Answer whether the student attended preschool in the past.

27.   Transcript release

28.   Retained from previous school years

29.   Relationships – Set up who has a relationship to the student and contact sequences.

30.   Emergency Contacts sequence

31.   Health Services – optional

32.   Medical conditions – Check the box no medical conditions or the blue button Add Condition is needed. To add click/tap the box under condition and select what you need like Allergy or others. Type in the comment area any notes the school or nurses need to know.

33.   Medications – Click the box for no medications or the blue button Add Medication. Type in the medication and where taken, medication type, and type any comments or instructions the school needs to know.

34.   Custody Concerns - click/tap yes or no. If yes type in the box to explain the custody order. The order can be uploaded from your device or you can drop it off at our Central Office.

35.   Internet Connection – answer what type of service and device the student has at home.

36.   Release agreements – Acknowledge that your student will/has received and read the student handbook. There is a link above the checkbox. They will get in hard copy and they are on our district web site as well. You will check the boxes for the School-Parent Compact, Sudden Cardiac Arrest (Lindsey’s Law) locker/cubbie information and field trip permissions. For Junior High students there is an assembly permission section. Next is the Media release guide to authorize your student(s) to be published in print or social media from the school. Lastly is the Technology Acceptable Use policy agreement. This is in the student handbook and explains proper use of school technology equipment including email, computers, and networks.

37.   Now you are ready to sign the form. Using your finger or mouse sign in the box. Now click/tap the blue button Save/Continue.

38.   You will be returned to the list of students. Repeat steps 21-37 for each student.

39.   Once all of your students are entered click/tap the blue button Save/Continue.

40.   You are ready to submit the online registration. Click/tap the Red SUBMIT button. To confirm your submission click/tap the Confirm button.

41.   This completes registration you can click the Application Summary PDF to download and keep in your records.

Infinite Campus Parent Portal

If you need help with access to the Portal sites please contact Jeff Voytko at or call 740-962-1106.